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2.1.2 Установка MySQL на Windows

Имеются два следующих типа дистрибутивов сервера MySQL для Windows:

  1. Бинарный дистрибутив, в состав которого входит программа установки; она устанавливает все, что нужно, так что можно сразу же запускать сервер.
  2. Дистрибутив исходного кода, в котором содержится весь код и файлы поддержки для создания исполняемых файлов с использованием компилятора VC++ 6.0. See section 2.3.7 Дистрибутив исходного кода для Windows.

В общем случае следует отдавать предпочтение бинарному дистрибутиву.

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User Comments

Posted by on Tuesday January 29 2002, @8:30am [Delete] [Edit]

You aren't obligated to install or configure
ODBC. You'd use that, of course, if you were
going to connect to a Micorsoft specific database
or one that works on Windows or whatever. But if
your goal is to connect, say, MySQL to a servlet
container, such as JRun or Apache JServ or
Tomcat, then you'd want to find yourself a JDBC
driver for whatever database you want your Java
application to connect to. In this case, one
might skip the installation of the ODBC. God
knows not installing a driver would do Windows no

Posted by Timothy Millard on Tuesday January 29 2002, @8:30am [Delete] [Edit]

This is my first time installing mysql on
Windows. The installation was actually a simple
process on a Win2K server. Downloading mysql-
3.23.43-win, you have a choice to install into
any directory. After the installation go
immediately to mysql/bin and run winmysqladmin.
This will set up your ini file in c and sets up
the mysql service. It also installs the resident
admin program that will show you everything you
need to know. The service is set to start
automatically once you restart.

Posted by Paul Peets on Friday February 14 2003, @3:59pm [Delete] [Edit]

Taking Training using "JSP, Servlets, & MySQL" by
author David Harms

GREAT BOOK if your new to Tomcat, Java and MySQL.

My biggest issue installing MySQL was getting the
JDBC driver mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar downloaded and

Once I found the driver at,
I did not know where to place the driver.

A quick question to some of our folks already
heavy into java and I installed the file under
Tomcat in \Tomcat\Common\Lib. Suddenly my
examples from the book started working.

Wow!! I have dynamic content from a database on
a web page. Easy.

Posted by on Monday September 30 2002, @11:51am [Delete] [Edit]

A instalaГЦo em Windows exige que seja instalado o
protocolo TCP/IP. Acredito que, na falta de uma
placa de rede, a instalaГЦo de um modem resolve o
caso. A ordem de instalaГЦo deve ser seguida da
seguinte forma: 1╨ instalar o servidor mysql (ou
habilitar a rede), 2╨ instalar o ODBC (que serve para
fazer a comunicaГЦo entre as vАrias linguagens de
programaГЦo com o MySQL) e em 3╨, configurar o
ALIAS MySQL. O ODBC estА disponМvel neste site e
existe uma versЦo especМfica para cada versЦo de
sistema operacional.

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