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В дополнение к возвращенному запросом результирующему набору данных можно также получить следующую информацию:

User Comments

Posted by Alex Moreno on Wednesday December 18 2002, @5:27pm [Delete] [Edit]

I'd like to point out something about

Certainly, if you do:

INSERT INTO foo (auto, text)
VALUES (NULL, 'text');

and then:


you will get the id assigned to that row. BUT, if
you do something like:

INSERT INTO foo (auto, text)
VALUES (NULL, 'text1'),
(NULL, 'text2'),
(NULL, 'text3');

Then, LAST_INSERT_ID() will give you the id of the
row with the 'text1' value!

So, if for example, foo has no rows before
multiple INSERT, after this INSERT the value
returned by LAST_INSERT_ID() will be 1, even
though the table has inserted three ids (1, 2 and
3, naturally).

Maybe this is how it should work, but it
seem so to me =)

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