Access denied
MySQL server has gone away
Can't connect to [local] MySQL server
Host '...' is blocked
Too many connections
Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back
Out of memory
Packet too large
The table is full
Can't create/write to file
Commands out of sync
Ignoring user
Table 'xxx' doesn't exist
Can't initialize character set xxx
File not found
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Host '...' is blocked
Ошибка, подобная следующей:
Host 'hostname' is blocked because of many connection errors.
Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'
говорит о том, что от хоста hostname
имело место большое количество (max_connect_errors
) прерванных посредине запросов на соединение к mysqld
. После max_connect_errors
неудачных запросов mysqld
делает предположение, что что-то не так (может, атака от кракера), и блокирует последующие соединения с узла до того момента, пока кто-нибудь не выполнит команду mysqladmin flush-hosts
По умолчанию mysqld
блокирует хост после 10 ошибок соединения. Это значение можно легко отрегулировать, запустив сервер следующим образом:
shell> safe_mysqld -O max_connect_errors=10000 &
Заметим, что если для некоторого хоста получено это сообщение об ошибке, то следует сначала проверить, все ли в порядке с TCP/IP-соединениями от этого хоста. Если TCP/IP-соединения не работают, то увеличивать значение переменной max_connect_errors
Posted by [name withheld] on Saturday July 13 2002, @7:26am | [Delete] [Edit] |
One cause of the two many connection problem
is that when a connection is made to the server
the connection/process by default is in sleep mode
for 8 14400 (sec) -
this can be changed in etc/my.cnf
the variable are
set-variable = interactive_timeout=14400
set-variable = wait_timeout=14400
Posted by [name withheld] on Thursday July 4 2002, @3:02am | [Delete] [Edit] |
This problem is a bit strange. My max connections
var is 250 yet i experianced this problem with
less than 100 simultaneous users. There is
definitelly something wrong with this ...
Strangely enough when configured apache with no
keepalive connections and max spare servers to 20
(from 50) the problem stopped. Yes ! i know that
in theory there is no connection of what i did
with the problem but hey it might help somebody !
The mysql team should REALLY look into this
problem btw. --- John Loukeris
Posted by [name withheld] on Thursday July 4 2002, @3:01am | [Delete] [Edit] |
This problem is a bit strange. My max connections
var is 250 yet i experianced this problem with
less than 100 simultaneous users. There is
definitelly something wrong with this ...
Strangely enough when configured apache with no
keepalive connections and max spare servers to 20
(from 50) the problem stopped. Yes ! i know that
in theory there is no connection of what i did
with the problem but hey it might help somebody !
The mysql team should REALLY look into this
problem btw. --- John Loukeris
Posted by on Friday May 17 2002, @6:24am | [Delete] [Edit] |
I am running 3.23.49-nt on Win2K advanced server
w/ 2GB of RAM. When I set max_connections
parameter to 1000, connection time takes too
much. Keep it as low as you can
Posted by James Smith on Friday May 17 2002, @6:24am | [Delete] [Edit] |
this problem is big, very big, and seems to be
brushed over with a 'this means you have max
connections' when in the real world most
complaints refer too 'I have few visiors' this is
a massive bug in mysql which will eventually
render it useless..sorry
Posted by MySql DingBat on Saturday November 2 2002, @3:53pm | [Delete] [Edit] |
Error 1130
1130 - Host '' is not allowed to
connect to this MySQL server
The reference is where your
machines IP address would be located.
I have found this error while trying to connect to
MySql using a remote administration tool. I was able
to connect perfectly until today. I can no longer
access the MySql Server. Is there some limit on how
many times one can make an attempt to the server
before the server is blocked. I know my hostname
and user and password are all correct.
It is running on Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
If there is a limit please let me know. I have tried
everything even tried resetting the root password
and no luck there either. If there is a sure fire way of
resetting the entire MySql Server please let me
know. I have shut down and reinstalled it as a
service and that didn't work either , however it ran
fine as a dervice before today.
This error 1130 is apparently one that doesn't
happen often as I cannot find any references on how
to resolve it. If anyone knows how to resolve this let
me know. You may email me [email protected]
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