design_filter [input file0] -o [output file] [-h ] [-forder int] [-double ] [-o ofile]
designfilter computes the coefficients of a FIR filter with a given frequency response. The user supplies the frequency response as a vector of evenly spaced gains ranging from 0 to half the sampling frequency. The length of this vector must be a power of 2. The filter coefficients can be used by the \Ref{sigfilter} program.
-h Options help
-forder int Order of FIR filter. This must be ODD. Sensible values range from 19 (quick but with a shallow rolloff) to 199 (slow but with a steep rolloff). The default is 199.
-double Design a filter suitable for double (zero-phase) filtering
-o ofile output filter file
Designing a bandpass filter
The frequency response vector must be placed in a file, in either ascii of EST headered format. For example:
EST_File fvector version 1 DataType ascii length 128 EST_Header_End 0.0 0.0 .....[etc] 1.0 1.0 1.0 .....[etc] 0.0 0.0 0.0 .....[etc] |
$ design_filter -o filter.coefficients filter.freq_response |
where filter.freq_response is the above file, and filter.coefficients is the output file which can be used by \Ref{sigfilter}.