
class EST_Val{}

class EST_Val

The EST_Val class is a container class, used to store a single item which can be an int, float, string or other user-defined class. It is often used as the base item in the EST_Features class, to enable features to take on values of different types.

Constructor and Destructor functions


EST_Val ( ) {t=val_unset;} EST_Val(const EST_Val &val); EST_Val(const int i) {t=val_int; v.ival=i;} EST_Val(const float f) {t=val_float; v.fval=f;} EST_Val(const double d) {t=val_float; v.fval=d;} EST_Val(const EST_String &s) {t=val_string; sval = s;} EST_Val(const char *s) {t=val_string; sval = s;} EST_Val(val_type type, void *p, void (*f)(void *)); ~EST_Val(void);

Default constructor

Getting cast values


const val_type type ( void) const

returns the type that the val is currently holding


const int Int ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an int


const int I ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an int


const float Float ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an float


const float F ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an float


const EST_String& String ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an string


const EST_String& string ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an string


const EST_String& S ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an string


const EST_String& string_only ( void) const

returns the value, cast as an string

Setting values


EST_Val& operator= ( const int i)

Assignment of val to an int


EST_Val& operator= ( const float f)

Assignment of val to a float


EST_Val& operator= ( const double d)

Assignment of val to a double


EST_Val& operator= ( const EST_String &s)

Assignment of val to a string


EST_Val& operator= ( const char *s)

Assignment of val to a string literal


EST_Val& operator= ( const EST_Val &c)

Assignment of val to another val

Equivalence test

operator ==()

int operator == ( const EST_Val &a) const

Test whether val is equal to a

operator ==()

int operator == ( const EST_String &a) const

Test whether val is equal to the string a

operator ==()

int operator == ( const char *a) const

Test whether val is equal to the char * a

operator ==()

int operator == ( const int &i) const

Test whether val is equal to the int a

operator ==()

int operator == ( const float &f) const

Test whether val is equal to the float a

operator ==()

int operator == ( const double &d) const

Test whether val is equal to the double a

operator !=()

int operator != ( const EST_Val &a) const

Test whether val is not equal to the val a

operator !=()

int operator != ( const EST_String &a) const

Test whether val is not equal to the string a

operator !=()

int operator != ( const char *a) const

Test whether val is not equal to the char * a

operator !=()

int operator != ( const int &i) const

Test whether val is not equal to the int a

operator !=()

int operator != ( const float &f) const

Test whether val is not equal to the float a

operator !=()

int operator != ( const double &d) const

Test whether val is not equal to the double float a

class EST_Features{}

class EST_Features

A class for containing feature structures which can hold atomic values (int, float, string) or other feature structures

Access functions which return EST_Val.

Features can either be simple features, in which their name is the name of an plain attribute (e.g. "name"), or path features where their name is a dot separated path of concatenated attributes (e.g. "df.poa.alveolar").


const EST_Val& val ( const char *name) const

Look up directly without decomposing name as path (just simple feature)


const EST_Val& val ( const char *name, const EST_Val &def) const

Look up directly without decomposing name as path (just simple feature), returning def if not found


const EST_Val& val_path ( const EST_String &path) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path


const EST_Val& val_path ( const EST_String &path, const EST_Val &def) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, returning def if not found

operator) ()

const EST_Val& operator) ( const EST_String &path) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path

operator) ()

const EST_Val& operator) ( const EST_String &path, const EST_Val &def) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, returning def if not found


const EST_Val& f ( const EST_String &path)

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path


const EST_Val& f ( const EST_String &path, const EST_Val &def)

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, returning def if not found

Access functions which return types.

These functions cast their EST_Val return value to a requested type, eithe float, int, string or features (A). In all cases the name can be a simple feature or a path, in which case their name is a dot separated string of concatenated attributes (e.g. "df.poa.alveolar").


const float F ( const EST_String &path) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a float


const float F ( const EST_String &path, float def) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a float, returning def if not found


const int I ( const EST_String &path) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as an int


const int I ( const EST_String &path, int def) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as an int, returning def if not found


const EST_String S ( const EST_String &path) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_String


const EST_String S ( const EST_String &path, const EST_String &def) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_String, returning def if not found


EST_Features& A ( const EST_String &path) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_Features


EST_Features& A ( const EST_String &path, EST_Features &def) const

Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_Features, returning def if not found

Setting features


void set ( const EST_String &name, int ival)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value ival


void set ( const EST_String &name, float fval)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value fval


void set ( const EST_String &name, double dval)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value dval


void set ( const EST_String &name, const EST_String &sval)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value sval


void set ( const EST_String &name, const char *cval)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value cval


void set_val ( const EST_String &name, const EST_Val &sval)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value val. Name must be not be a path.


void set_path ( const EST_String &name, const EST_Val &sval)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature nameto value val, where nameis a path


void set_function ( const EST_String &name, const EST_String &f)

Add a new feature feature or set an existing feature name to value f, which is the named of a registered feature function


void set ( const EST_String &name, EST_Features &f)

Add a new feature or set an existing feature name to value f, which itself is a EST_Features. The information in f is copied into the features.

Utility functions


void remove ( const EST_String &name)

remove the named feature


int length ( ) const

number of features in feature structure


int present ( const EST_String &name) const

return 1 if the feature is present


void clear ( )

Delete all features from object

operator = ()

EST_Features& operator = ( const EST_Features& a)

Feature assignment

operator << ()

friend ostream& operator << ( ostream &s, const EST_Features &f)

Print Features


File I/O


EST_read_status load ( EST_TokenStream &ts)

load features from already opened EST_TokenStream


EST_read_status load_sexpr ( EST_TokenStream &ts)

load features from sexpression, contained in already opened EST_TokenStream


EST_write_status save ( ostream &outf) const

save features in already opened ostream


EST_write_status save_sexpr ( ostream &outf) const

save features as s-expression in already opened ostream

class EST_Item{}

class EST_Item

A class for containing individual linguistic objects such as words or phones.

These contain two types of infomation. This first is specific to the \Ref{EST_Relation} we are viewing this ling item from, the second part constists of a set of features. These features may be shared by instances of this ling item in different EST_Relation within the same EST_Utterances

The shared part of an EST_Item is represented by the class EST_Item_Content. It should not normally be accessed by the general users as reverse links from the contents to each of the EST_Items it is part of are held ensure the integrity of the structures. Changing these without maintain the appropriate links is unlikely to be stable.

Constructor Functions


EST_Item ( )

Default constructor


EST_Item ( const EST_Item &item)

Copy constructure only makes reference to contents


EST_Item ( EST_Relation *rel)

Includes reference to relation


EST_Item ( EST_Relation *rel, EST_Item *si)

Most common form of construction


~EST_Item ( )

Deletes it and references to it in its contents

Feature access functions.

These functions are wrap-around functions to the basic access functions in the \Ref{EST_Features} class. In all these functioms, if the optional argument m} is set to 1, an error is thrown if the feature does not exist


const float F ( const EST_String &name) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a float


const float F ( const EST_String &name, float def) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a float, returning def if not found


const EST_String S ( const EST_String &name) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a EST_String


const EST_String S ( const EST_String &name, const EST_String &def) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a EST_String, returning def if not found


const int I ( const EST_String &name) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a int


const int I ( const EST_String &name, int def) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a int returning def if not found


EST_Features& A ( const EST_String &name) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a EST_Features


EST_Features& A ( const EST_String &name, EST_Features &def) const

return the value of the feature name cast as a EST_Features, returning def if not found

Feature setting functions.

A separate function is provided for each permissable value type


void set ( const EST_String &name, int ival)

set feature name to val


void set ( const EST_String &name, float fval)

set feature name to val


void set ( const EST_String &name, double fval)

set feature name to val


void set ( const EST_String &name, const EST_String &sval)

set feature name to val


void set ( const EST_String &name, const char *cval)

set feature name to val


void set_function ( const EST_String &name, const EST_String &funcname)

set feature name to val, a function registered in the feature function list


void set ( const EST_String &name, EST_Features &f)

set feature name to f, a set of features, which is copied into the object


void set_val ( const EST_String &name, const EST_Val &sval)

set feature name to f, whose type is EST_Val

Utility feature functions


void f_remove ( const EST_String &name)

remove feature name


void evaluate_features ( )

find all the attributes whose values are functions, and replace them with their evaluation


int f_present ( const EST_String &name) const

TRUE if feature is present, FALSE otherwise

Cross relational access


EST_Item* as_relation ( const char *relname) const

View item from another relation (const char *) method


int in_relation ( const EST_String &relname) const

TRUE if this item is in named relation


EST_TKVL <EST_String, EST_Val> & relations ( )

Access to the relation links


const EST_String& relation_name ( ) const

The relation name of this particular item


EST_Relation* relation ( void) const

The relation of this particular item


int same_item ( const EST_Item *li) const

True if li is the same item ignoring its relation viewpoint

class EST_Relation{}

class EST_Relation

Relations are a container class for EST_Items. Three types of relation structure are supported:

Linear lists
Multi-linear structures as used in autosegmental phonology etc

Constructors and Destructors


EST_Relation ( )

default constructor


EST_Relation ( const EST_String &name)

Constructor which sets name of relation


EST_Relation ( const EST_Relation &r)

Constructor which copies relation r


~EST_Relation ( )

default destructor

Relation features


EST_Features f

Features which belong to the relation rather than its items


void evaluate_features ( )

Evaluate the relation's feature functions


void evaluate_item_features ( )

Evaluate the feature functions of all the items in the relation

Utility functions


void clear ( )

Clear the relation of items


EST_Utterance* utt ( void)

Return the EST_Utterance to which this relation belongs


void set_utt ( EST_Utterance *u)

Set the EST_Utterance to which this relation belongs


const EST_String& name ( ) const

Return the name of the relation


int length ( ) const

number of items in this relation


int empty ( ) const

return true if relation does not contain any items


void remove_item ( EST_Item *item)

remove EST_Item item from relation


void remove_item_feature ( const EST_String &name)

remove all occurances of feature name from relation's items


EST_Relation& operator= ( const EST_Relation &s)

Relation assignment. Copies relation into new relation but the items are the same and become shared.

operator << ()

friend ostream& operator << ( ostream &s, const EST_Relation &u)

Print relation

Constructors and Destructors


EST_read_status load ( const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type="esps")

Load relation from file


EST_read_status load ( EST_TokenStream &ts, EST_THashEST_Val> &contents)

Load relation from already open tokenstream


EST_write_status save ( const EST_String &filename, bool evaluate_ff = false) const

Save relation to file


EST_write_status save ( const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type, bool evaluate_ff = false) const

Save relation to file, evaluating all feature functions before hand


EST_write_status save ( ostream &outf, EST_TKVL contents) const

Save relation from already open ostream

Iteration and access


EST_Item* head ( ) const

Return the head (first) item of the relation


EST_Item* root ( ) const

Return the root item of the relation


EST_Item* tail ( ) const

Return the tail (last) item of the relation


EST_Item* append ( EST_Item *si)

append item si to relation, return si as new item in relation


EST_Item* append ( )

make a new item and append it to the relation


EST_Item* prepend ( EST_Item *si)

prepend item si to relation, return si as new item in relation


EST_Item* prepend ( )

make a new item and prepend it to the relation

class EST_Utterance{}

class EST_Utterance

A class that contains EST_Items and EST_Relations between them. Used for holding interrelated linguistic structures.

Constructor and initialisation Functions


EST_Utterance ( )

default constructor

Utility Functions


void init ( )

initialise utterance


void clear ( )

remove everything in utterance


void clear_relations ( )

clear the contents of the relations only


void set_highest_id ( int n)

set the next id to be n


int next_id ( )

return the id of the next item


EST_Utterance& operator= ( const EST_Utterance &s)

Copy utterance

operator << ()

friend ostream& operator << ( ostream &s, const EST_Utterance &u)

Print utterance

operator) ()

EST_Relation* operator) ( const EST_String &name)

Return pointer to named relation

File i/o


EST_read_status load ( const EST_String &filename)

load an utterance from an ascii file


EST_read_status load ( EST_TokenStream &ts)

load an utterance from a already opened token stream


EST_write_status save ( const EST_String &filename, const EST_String &type="est_ascii") const

save an utterance to an ascii file


EST_write_status save ( ostream &outf, const EST_String &type) const

save an utterance to an ostream

Utterance access


EST_Features f

Utterance level features


void evaluate_all_features ( )

Evaluarte all feature functions in utterance


EST_Features relations

The list of named relations


int num_relations ( ) const

number of relations in this utterance


bool relation_present ( const EST_String name) const

returns true if utterance contains named relations. {\bf name} can be either a single string or a bracketed list of strings e.g. "(Word Phone Syl)".


bool relation_present ( EST_StrList &names) const

returns true if utterance contains all the relations named in the list {\bf name}


EST_Relation* relation ( const char *name, int err_on_not_found=1)

get relation by name


EST_Item* id ( const EST_String &n)

return EST_Item whose id is n.


EST_Relation* create_relation ( const EST_String &relname)

create a new relation called n.


void remove_relation ( const EST_String &relname)

remove the relation called n.

Functions for building and traversing tree relations

This is a sub-library of functions for creating, traversing and accessing relations which are trees.

Tree traversal functions


inline EST_Item* parent ( const EST_Item *n)

return parent of n


inline EST_Item* daughter1 ( const EST_Item *n)

return first daughter of n


inline EST_Item* daughter2 ( const EST_Item *n)

return second daughter of n


EST_Item* daughtern ( const EST_Item *n, int nth)

return nth daughter of n


inline EST_Item* daughtern ( const EST_Item *n)

return last daughter of n


inline EST_Item* next_sibling ( const EST_Item *n)

return next sibling (sister) of n


inline EST_Item* prev_sibling ( const EST_Item *n)

return previous sibling (sister) of n


inline EST_Item* root ( const EST_Item *n)

return root node of treeprevious sibling (sister) of n


inline EST_Item* parent ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return parent of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* daughter1 ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return first daughter of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* daughter2 ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return second daughter of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* daughtern ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return last daughter of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* next_sibling ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return next sibling (sister) of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* prev_sibling ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return previous sibling (sistem) of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* root ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return root of tree of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* first_leaf ( const EST_Item *n)

return the first leaf (terminal node) which is dominated by n. Note that this is different from daughter1 etc as this descends the tree to find the lefttmost terminal node (it is like the transitive closure of daughter1).


inline EST_Item* last_leaf ( const EST_Item *n)

return the last leaf (terminal node) which is dominated by n. Note that this is different from daughter1 etc as this descends the tree to find the right terminal node (it is like the transitive closure of daughtern).


inline EST_Item* next_leaf ( const EST_Item *n)

Return next leaf in tree given n. If n is a terminal node, next_leaf() will return the next leaf in the tree. If n is not terminal, this will return the leftmost terminal node dominated by n. This will return 0 only when the last leaf in the relation has been passed.


int num_leaves ( const EST_Item *n)

Return number of leaves (terminal nodes) under n


int in_tree ( const EST_Item *c, const EST_Item *t)

Given a node t, return true if c is under it in a tree

Tree building functions


EST_Item* append_daughter ( EST_Item *n, EST_Item *p=0)

Add a daughter to node n, after any existing daughters, and return the next daughter. If p is 0, make a new node for the daughter, otherwise add p to this relation as n's daughter.


EST_Item* append_daughter ( EST_Item *n, const char *relname, EST_Item *p=0)

Add a daughter to node n as seen from relation relname, after any existing daughters, and return the next daughter. If p is 0, make a new node for the daughter, otherwise add p to this relation as n's daughter.


EST_Item* prepend_daughter ( EST_Item *n, EST_Item *p=0)

Add a daughter to node n, before any existing daughters, and return the next daughter. If p is 0, make a new node for the daughter, otherwise add p to this relation as n's daughter.


EST_Item* prepend_daughter ( EST_Item *n, const char *relname, EST_Item *p=0)

Add a daughter to node n as seen from relation relname, before any existing daughters, and return the next daughter. If p is 0, make a new node for the daughter, otherwise add p to this relation as n's daughter.

Functions for building and traversing list relations

List traversal functions


inline EST_Item* next ( const EST_Item *n)

return next item of n


inline EST_Item* prev ( const EST_Item *n)

return previous item of n


inline EST_Item* last ( const EST_Item *n)

return last item in n's relation


inline EST_Item* first ( const EST_Item *n)

return first item in n's relation


inline EST_Item* next ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return next item of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* prev ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return previous item of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* first ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return first item of n as seen from relation relname


inline EST_Item* last ( const EST_Item *n, const char *relname)

return last item of n as seen from relation relname


int in_list ( const EST_Item *c, const EST_Item *l)

Given a node l, return true if c after it in a list relation


EST_Item* add_after ( const EST_Item *n, EST_Item *p=0)

Add a item after node n, and return the new item. If n is the first item in the list, the new item becomes the head of the list, otherwise it is inserted between n and it's previous current item. If p is 0, make a new node for the new item, otherwise add p to this relation as the next item in n's relation.


EST_Item* add_before ( const EST_Item *n, EST_Item *p=0)

Add a item before node n, and return the new item. If n is the first item in the list, the new item becomes the head of the list, otherwise it is inserted between n and it's previous current item. If p is 0, make a new node for the new item, otherwise add p to this relation as the previous item in n's relation.